Create-Ringtone is designed for you to easily create and send customized Free Ringtones to your mobile phone. With Create-Ringtone, you make Ringtones from any digital audio file, including MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG files. The Ringtones you create are sent to your WAV and/or MP3 format supported mobile phone and set as your Ringtone. Using Create-Ringtone you open your favorite song (in MP3, WMA, OGG or WAV format), select a section of the song to make as your Ringtone, and transfer it to your mobile phone as a Ringtone.
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Google/Blogger : Khusus yang punya Account Blogger.
Lainnya : Jika tidak punya account blogger namun punya alamat Blog atau Website.
Anonim : Jika tidak ingin mempublikasikan profile anda (tidak disarankan).