A Sudoku puzzle game that generates random boards, of varying difficulty, compete against the clock to get a high score.
Features include:
- Solve the puzzle if you get stuck
- Also, you can receive a hint in exchange for a time penalty.
- Save the game to continue later.
- Optionally show mistakes as you make them
- Mark possibilities on the board.
- Input boards from other sources in order to play on the phone, (or cheat)
This is a freeware product, and as such supplied as is for no charge.
Tested on the 6600,6630,6670,6681,6682, N70
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Google/Blogger : Khusus yang punya Account Blogger.
Lainnya : Jika tidak punya account blogger namun punya alamat Blog atau Website.
Anonim : Jika tidak ingin mempublikasikan profile anda (tidak disarankan).